Membership Sign Up Application

Please fill in the form below:

(*)required field

    Type of Membership (*) - see details below


    Once your Membership Application is submitted, you will automatically be redirected to a page that gives you the option to pay your membership fee online (PayPal) or by check.

    You will be contacted on how to set up your MESC membership shortly after payment is confirmed.

    Types of Memberships

    Membership in the Council shall follow the guidelines set forth in these By-Laws and Rules. There are two types of memberships: (1) Regular, (2) Associate.

    1. Regular Membership ($200)

    Regular Membership shall be open to all organizations; owner, CEO, or designated representative that has at least one USCG approved or MESC recognized program.

    Regular Members shall pay annual dues at a rate established by the council; all dues paid annually shall be current. Each school may have multiple representative(s) but shall have only one vote.

    2. Associate Membership ($100)

    Any person(s) who has an interest in maritime education or programs may be an associate member. The fees shall pay annual dues at a rate established by the council. Associate members may not hold any elective office.

    They do not have the right to vote.